I remember reading this story to the kids that I worked with back in Utah. We usually discussed how different people are. But I saw this on a friends facebook page and watched it with a whole new look on the story.
Now, I don't know how many of you people who are converts to the church felt this way as you were trying to figure out which church was right for you. We try to mold into other churches, sometimes to make us right for them, or them right for us. But The church that allows you to grow to your full potential and excepts you for who God made you to be, is the church that will bring you the greatest joy, happiness, love, and sense of belonging.
If you would like to learn more of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helps you to grow into who God wants you to be,
check out mormon.org and click to meet with the missionaries!
This church has felt like home to all those that come in, so come "home".
Zach really liked your story. It always amazes me how you can liken everything to the gospel. Great job.