
Withstand Satan!

It is interesting in this life how we are constantly having to make a choice between good and evil.  That we are now able "to act for themselves and not to be acted upon..."  2 Nephi 2:26
But we are here to learn these things!  That we are here on earth to learn what good is and what bad is.  That we can overcome the bad and chose to follow God. 

"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them." Abraham 3:25
 But we have to know and understand how the bad, or Satan works to know how to not get caught in his traps.  Here are some ways that he attacks us!

1.   1. He tries to blur our vision of why we’re here… on our mission or even on earth.
  2. He whispers that there is plenty of time to pull our spiritual lives together later.
3. He feeds our vanity:  spend your time getting recognition and power
4. He tells us that we are not worth much, and loves when we compare ourselves to others.
5. He encourages us to judge and evaluate one another.
6. He tells us that life should be easy and fun, and if not the gospel is not working
7.  He’s gradually numbing our morality:  music, computer, movies, books, and our tolerance level for evil increases.
8.  He wants us separated from each other.  To stop caring and nurturing one another in person.
9.  He wants us hung up on perfection, so we are frustrated and hopeless.
10. He loves it when we rely on others testimonies instead of gaining our own spiritual strength.
11. He tells the world that religion is restrictive and boring
12. He wants us to get hung up on unanswered questions
13. He has launched an all-out attack on women and their roll.
14. He is devouring marriages and families
15. He has others ridicule and mock religion. He will do anything to make us feel ashamed, embarrassed or to have doubts.
16. He tells us that the ‘natural man’ is good for us. He tells us that we should give in to our natural desires and do what we want.  He wants us to be a slave of our appetites. He wants us to be his."

We must stand strong, Pray ofter to be able to overcome Satan and not fall into temptation or sin.  Be aware of these tactics and resist when Satan tries to use them on you!  I know through prayer we can overcome!