
Getting an answer

Recieving answers to questions we have on what direction our life should take is a hard thing to understand sometimes.  The answers to prayers can come from friends or aquaintances.  Sometimes it is through a warm feeling or a thought that comes to mind.  But sometimes it can feel like God is not answering our prayers.  That we can't get a "yes" or a "no" on a question.
God is hearing and listening to your prayers.  He hears everyone of them.  But in the course of our lives, he gives us oppurtunity to use our agency.  He wants us to develop our faith and to decide on an answer and then move forward with faith.  He would never allow us to do anything that would harm us or not allow us to return to him from a mistake we made without first warning us. 
"For behold, it is not meet
that I should command
in ALL things..."  D&C 58:2
When we are not getting an answer, God sometimes wants us to take a step of faith.  Decide what we want to do and see which is the best solution.  Then we step forward.  If we are getting a feeling of peace and joy with the decision, than it was right.  But if we get the feeling that something is wrong or discomfort with the choice, than we need to re-evaluate. 
Here is a clip of how some people feel they have gotten answers to their prayers.  Get out a piece of paper and listen to their answers.  Write down ideas that stand out to you and look for those feelings when you are seeking direction.

Move forward with faith.


  1. Tausha, thanks for sharing that. I am going to refer Jessica to it.
