
For YOUR benefit

God is a God of love.  He loves each one of us and trust us to do the right thing in this life.  But what happens when we recognize that we have done something against God's commandments?  God still loves us.  God still wants us to turn to Him and repent and come unto Christ.  As we begin doing this, we will experience blessings again in our life.  We will begin to feel the love of God come more fully into our life.  We should never have to question why do I deserve God's blessing?  We do!  We do because he is a God of love.  When we do the things that He asks us to do, even when we have messed up, He blesses us because He loves us.

"There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated-And when we obtain ANY BLESSING from God, it is by OBEDIENCE to that law upon which it is predicated."  D&C 130:20-21

When we are willing to do the things that God asks us to do, He has to bless us.  He willing pours out those blessings that have been set with that commandment that you followed.

God wants to help us and He allows things to happen that will benefit us.  As I read this scripture, I tried to liken this scripture to me.

"He doeth not anything save it be for the BENEFIT of the World [ME]; for he LOVETH the world [ME], even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men [ME] unto him.  Wherefore he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation."  2 Nephi 26:24

God loves each and every one of us.  He wants us to succeed and He is doing everything in His power to help us be successful.  Everyday is a new day.  Strive to be a  little taller, a little smarter, and a little more righteous and God WILL pour out the blessings upon you!

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