
"Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy"

In a talk given by Elder Angel Abrea called "The 'little things' and Eternal Life" Elder Abrea states this about Sabbath attendance:

"Have we thought about the tremendous spiritual deterioration that results from not keeping the Sabbath day holy? This commandment involves much more than just resting from our labors. Keeping the Sabbath day holy inherently builds spiritual character and prepares us for what is to come. By observing this commandment, we will have power over evil; we will be more capable of keeping the commandments of the Lord and maintaining ourselves unspotted from the sins of the world. (See D&C 59:9.)
More specifically, speaking about the Sabbath day, have we thought about the spiritual malnourishment that results from not attending our sacrament meetings, or attending them with a wrong attitude? The sacred covenant made by the members of the Church at baptism should be the prevailing thought and feeling in our hearts and minds as we partake of the sacrament. If we can achieve this, we will always have the Spirit of the Lord with us.
No member of the Church can ignore or simply put aside the weekly renewal of this covenant and pretend to maintain the Spirit. If we really understand the purpose of our sacrament meetings, we will attend them not just to hear someone speak, which is of course important, but to renew the sacred covenants made with our Father in Heaven in the name of his son, Jesus Christ. Those who make a habit of not attending this weekly service, and fail to repent, put in great danger their spiritual stability and welfare."

I know that it is through our Sunday worship and willingness to keep the Sabbath Day holy that our Heavenly Father will bless us and help us have the strength to remain "unspotted from the world." (D&C 59:9)  If we are struggling with anything in life, it is through our willingness to give one day to the Lord that He will be more willing to bless and help us overcome anything in our lives.  Our loving Heavenly Father sees it as such importance for our welfare on this earth that He made it a Commandment.  I know keeping the Sabbath Day holy is important and we will be blessed for keeping this commandment!
Sister Powell

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